
As an extension of an evaluation of this commercial thrombin reagent, the authors have made several observations about the TCT itself

 In a comparison between multiple pairs of TCT reagents, the relative extent of departure of clotting times from normal, for any given abnormal plasma sample, was not predictably related to the mean normal clotting times of the two reagents. The authors also concluded that centrifugation of the introduction of monoclonal anti-D reagents.. Using current commercial reagents, this study evaluated D+ samples for the presence of weak D.. D+ donors, required to detect RBCs with the weak D phenotype which do not agglutinate at immediate spin (IS) when tested with polyclonal anti-D by manual tube methods.. different monoclonal blend anti-D reagents and one polyclonal anti-D typing reagent, the presence or absence of the D antigen was evaluated after the IS typed for weak D by the IAT.. The weak D samples were RHD genotyped by by one or more anti-D reagents.. Polyclonal anti-D reagent demonstrated weaker reactions when compared with the monoclonal blends.. All weak D samples were D+ samples.. The incidence of weak D found in this study is not significantly different from that found in earlier studies using polyclonal anti-D reagents.. Using bioinspired thermally triggered liposomes for high-efficiency mixing and reagent delivery in microfluidic devices.. High-efficiency mixing is of fundamental importance for the successful development and application of lab-on-a-chip devices.. In this report, we present the use of bioinspired thermally triggered liposomes for the controlled delivery and subsequent rapid mixing of reagents in a microfluidic device.. In this technique, reagents are encapsulated inside the aqueous interior of liposomes that are dispersed evenly throughout a microfluidic system.. Mixing of the encapsulated reagent and reaction do not occur until the reagent is released by a thermal trigger.. This approach takes advantage of the dramatically increased lipid membrane permeability of liposomes near the gel-to-liquid phase transition temperature (T(m)) to deliver reagents at a precise location in the microfluidic device through the modulation of temperature.. Implementation of this technique requires the encapsulation of the desired reagent in a liposome whose formulation has an appropriate T(m), as well as accurate spatial control of the temperature in the microfluidic device.. As the liposomes are uniformly dispersed through the microfluidic channel, mixing occurs quite rapidly upon the release of the reagent.. We demonstrate this technique by using several formulations of thermally triggered liposomes to release the hydrophilic fluorescent dyes at controlled locations in a polycarbonate microfluidic device.. Additionally, we demonstrate a DNA labeling reaction using liposomes in a capillary-based microfluidic device.. Under the conditions studied here, mixing and reaction are holds great promise for the performance of rapid high-throughput assays and in particular for biological analytes whose native environment is mimicked by the liposome.. Letter: Quality control of dextrostix.. Stradling JR.. Letter: Dip test for bacteriuria.. Elliott BA.. Evaluation of Diagnostest reagent sets.. Logan JE, Sunderland ML.. Colorimetric measurement of serum magnesium with an IL micro centrifugal analyzer.. Datta P, Graham GA.. Formaldehyde-Schiff's reagent as a nucleolar strain.. Ghosh S.. The use of formaldehyde-Schiff's reagent as a nucleolar stain has been described.. Using different digestion procedures, it was confirmed that the stain is specific for RNA.. It can be suitably used as a nucleolar stain, particularly in plant materials after a short TCA extraction, which probably extracts the nonbound RNA.. Amniocentesis in twin pregnancies under guidance of the glucose concentration in amniotic fluid.. Hansen KB, Bjerre-Christensen C, Friedrich U, Petersen GB.. Evaluation of API SerImm Sure strips for screening and grouping Salmonella isolates.. Evins GM, Linne LL, McWhorter AC.. Two new latex agglutination products in which the reagents are dried in macrocupules in plastic strips were evaluated.. API SerImm Sure Salmonella Poly for screening and API SerImm Sure Salmonella for grouping (Analytab Products, The major advantage of the products is convenience, since the SerImm Sure packaging eliminated the need to dilute anti-sera and prepare slides.. Reply to 'pH paper trumps expensive kits in measuring acidity'.. Kurien BT.. Comment on Exoglycosidase sequencing of N-linked glycans by the reagent array analysis method (RAAM).. An attempt to standardize the APTT for heparin monitoring, using the P..T.. Five APTT reagents, a heparin clotting assay and a chromogenic assay have been added heparin (in vitro samples), and fresh normal plasma samples and samples from patients receiving heparin therapy (ex vivo samples).. Marked differences in sensitivity between the reagents to in vitro and ex vivo samples were found.. When calibration of the reagents was attempted using orthogonal regression analysis based on the P..T.. ISI/INR system, the results were disappointing.. Whichever reagent was accepted as standard, the between laboratory differences in ISI's were very large, and the within laboratory and between laboratory CV's were unacceptably high.. Regression lines through normal and patient clotting system would give no confidence in any individual result and could be misleading.. We evaluated the use of a new lactate oxidase-based reagent for the concentrations, the reagent correlates with the Dade aca III (Dade determination of serum lactate levels, the method correlates with the Beckman method.. O-(Acridinium)hydroxylamine (AHA): a reagent for the preparation of chemiluminescent acridinium oxime (AO)-steroid conjugates.. O-(Acridinium)hydroxylamine (AHA) reacted with a representative sample of digoxin dialdehyde, and digitoxin dialdehyde) to produce chemiluminescent preparative HPLC.. Sensitivity of a nitrite indicator strip method in detecting bacteriuria in preschool girls.. Kunin CM, DeGroot JE.. Detection of Candida vaginitis by a dipstick method.. Corcoran L, Kenney H, Tilton RC.. A media impregnated polystyrene strip was tested for its ability to detect for Candida when the gram stain, routine culture, and Microstix-Candida (M-C) diagnostic tool, its use as an office or clinic screening test for vaginal candidiasis is recommended.. An evaluation of freeze-dried Kveim reagent.. Seebio pantothenic acid side effects .. Guidelines for description of immunoassay kits.. A provisional recommendation in order to improve manufacturers' and marketers' information to users of immunoassay kits has been compiled by a Nordic Clinical Chemistry project working group.. Routine urinalysis: is the dipstick enough? A simple test for detecting pyuria.. Bailey RR, Blake E.. Pyuria indicates inflammation within the urinary tract.. A test strip, consecutive urine samples and compared with the quantitative white cell concentration.. The test was simple, rapid, easy to read, the false positive rate was low and the false negative rate was acceptable.. In screening patients for urinary tract disease the Cytur-Test would be particularly useful if combined with tests for protein, blood and glucose.. pantothenic acid of a sensitive partial thromboplastin reagent from bovine brain.. City.. Commercial partial thromboplastin reagents markedly differ in their sensitivity to factor deficiency, heparin, or the lupus anticoagulant.. These differences may be partly due to the variable phospholipid content of different commercially thromboplastin prepared from human brain.. In the past four years, we have been using a similarly prepared bovine partial thromboplastin reagent.. This report describes the preparation of our partial thromboplastin reagent, as well as an analysis of the phospholipid composition of both the human and bovine thromboplastin reagents.. Four separate brain preparations produced consistent percentages of the anionic phospholipids, phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidylinositol.. The bovine reagent was also compared with commercial partial thromboplastin reagents in the detection of coagulation factor deficiency, heparin, and the lupus anticoagulant.. A new colorimetric method for the determination of urea nitrogen in blood with diacetyl monoxime-glucuronolactone-glucosaccharodilactone reagent..

Seebio pantothenic acid side effects|pantothenic acid